i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Nicole: Hey baby, nudge me on msn if you see me!
Cat: Hey girl, here's the link,
I'm not very sure if the spree is still on thou,
you could ask them. (:
Bigneh: Look, whoever you are,
Bikini in beach, abnormal is it?
Seriously, i've warned y'all at the beginning of the post,
And if you don't like to see what's in my picture,
just don't see luh.
Horny: Hello horny, I do not want you to fuck me.
You disgust me. Go fuck some,
Waterhose or whatever, pervert.
Bobby: Thank you!
Replied at your blog. :D
Sher: Thanks darling for helping me reply
to those weird people with weird comments,
But seriously, you should just ignore them.
Meet up with you and tania soon!
Love you! (:
Bobby: Replied at your blog. :D
...: Yeah, "horny" is damn gross.
Sher is def not a lesbian my dear.
She's just a good friend who can't stand
people talking crapping about me.
Bobby: Replied at your blog. :D
I haven't blogged for like so so long!
Soooo, I went shopping alone the other day.
Okay so random, But i spent alot of money. ):
I spend like as if i'm working loh!
I need to start earning cash to spend.

My haul of the day:
- Forever21 Owl Boyshorties
- Cotton On White Tank
- HABA White Lady Essence
- Hakubi C2 Whitening Supplement
- Lancome Teint Idole Ultra Liquid Foundation
- Dylon Fabric Paints
And i spend like 160bucks in all.
I don't even dare to check my account balance please.
Daphy recommended the HABA WhiteLady & Hakubi C2
and i went and bought it the next day! :x
Hate that sentosa trip lah,
i wanna be fair, i wanna be fair!
Anybody has any good recommendation
for sunblock that's not oily?
And i need a new compact powder!
My lancome one is running ooooout.
Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash.
The other day darling booked out and
i went to meet him at tampines mall,
Had my favourite Xiaolong Bao &
Dan Dan Mian at Ding Tai Feng.
My boy was horrified with to amt of vinegar
i added to my noodles.
But i love sour stuff!
He bought me a new rose while i was deposit-ing my cash.
cos the previous two have alrdy withered and died. ):
I went for my facial on last friday?
Bad memory, i don't rmb exactly when actually.
So anyway, i ended up perming my lashes
& Spa Pedicure after my facial.
I know, I know, vaaaaainpot~
I lie there for so many hours for my facial/eyelash perming.
Then sat there for another few hours
for my pedicure and nail art.
Tiring one loh.
I dunno which O.P.I shade is it,
But it's a nice midnight cobalt blue
with snowflakes hand drawn and glitters,
it's so pretty! It's like so christmas-y,
Love that festive feeling. :D
The eyelash perming wasn't very good thou,
The 1st time i did it like last year was so much better,
It was like the dolly curly kinda curl,
But this one like, straight toot up curl like that!
The other day i went out with Cheena pok, Shirley &Pamela.
Lot of pictures, it was a horrible night anyway.

Incase you're curious, Shirley's my primary school friend! :x

Sleepover at Apple's hse with Shirley that night.
We talked like a hell lot while they were smoking & bathed.
Shirley and i, the both of us was like so shagged
we feel asleep watching tv.
Last saturday i had this thingy at suntec,
Hayven was super late loh,
so i screamed at him on the phone & made him cab to suntec. :x
I was so stressed lah! Here rush me, there also rush me.
Metup with Vicson, Hayven, Shawn for awhile.
That Hayven is CRAAAAAZY,
He keep shooting me and calling me Mina
cos his friend Gary thought i was malay when we were at Attica.
Wth loh, Then i keep calling him cheena
cos his name damn cheena but still bully my yuanqing
and say her name cheena lah!
i went to watch the Bee Movie with shirley!
He's damn crazy and funny &he did this malaysian tone thingy,
and i think i laughed like a mad woman
till everyone in citylink mall had their eyes on me.
I'm so shy. :x
Tag Tag Tag loves!
And those horny, pervertic, desperado people
Please, There's no need to tag okay.
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